
Food (glorious) Food ???

 As you know, we too have been to a Sue Dengate seminar and that is the basis for my non-preservative approach to things.

When I first read Sue's book and checked out her website it really struck me. I explained to hubby  that all we had to do was eat like it was the 1950's. I shop with her little wallet reminder of which additives to avoid and when you do, you end up cooking things from scratch and the few packaged things you have in your trolley are the products that have been around for some time and have remained unchanged.

If you have young children I really suggest you download her material from the website and have a look. I have two boys aged 6 and 8 and I would certainly not class them as naughty or hyperactive in any way.
 I just know how different they are when they have an accumulation of junk food. Son no. 1 is very placid and gets dark under the eyes and lethargic and sad when he has overdosed and son no. 2 gets really emotional - crying, angry and ends up wetting the bed when he has overdosed. When they eat the pure way ( only avoiding numbers not salicilaytes and amines) they are calm, even tempered boys.

Tonight on ABC Radio National I was listening to a broadcast about imported food.

 The USA and Japan have recently formed committees to investigate the safety of imported food. Recently Chinese seafood, toothpaste and toy trains ( of all things) have been deemed toxic by US standards. I find it really interesting to look at Seafood in the supermarkets since the legislative changes now mean that the country of origin must be displayed.

 What better reason to eat locally !!!

Hubby was talking to a fisherman today from a fishing town near our home and he said they are now feeling the pinch because of the imported seafood. Do you know that it is OUR fault ?

We always want things cheaper. What price are we willing to pay to save a few cents ? Are we willing to put our local businesses out of work so we can save a few cents ?

 Are we willing to ingest unknown toxins to save money.

 I challenge you to THINK before you BUY.

Read the label. What list of additives is in your food and where is it from ?

The Old Ways

Before we went away we visited Timbertown for the Steam Festival.

Timbertown is a tourist attraction near Wauchope NSW which is set up like a pioneer village.

As a lover of the old fashioned way of living I really enjoyed the day.

It always amazes me when I go into the old homes how families that had 5, 6 or more children lived in a tiny four room home. They had all their needs met.

Now, I am not saying that I won't to go back to living in one room without a stove, but I do want to hang on to many of the lost skills and principles of the time. I want to maintain resourcefulness and a strong work ethic, a sense of self sufficiency and of community.

If you listen to the messages being delivered through our media today it's all about ' the self', that is, look after number one, take it easy- you deserve it etc etc.

We have listened to these messages so much that now people can't even saw a piece of wood or mow their own lawn.

Many people don't even realise that they are on a treadmill.

They work hard, then spend money because they deserve to buy luxuries because they work hard and then they have to work harder because the marketeers always change what it is that we need to 'reward' ourselves with because we work hard.

At the end of our lives we have accumulated so much 'stuff' and still have no money and no happiness !!!!

As you know, we don't watch commercial television and haven't for many years. I would estimate that it is coming up to 9 years since I have seen a commercial programme.

This is about the time when no. 1 son was born. I found that not being exposed to ads stops the subconscious desire for 'stuff'. If you are not being constantly bombarded with how inadequate your life is because you don't have the right appliance or drive the right car you don't really focus on it. Funny that !

This picture is a little dark.

You may need to click on it to enlarge it. The thing I love about it, is that it is taken in a tiny room in a tiny house, but still, they have gone to the effort to make the best of what they have.

Ask yourself how we have over complicated our lives.

How have YOU been seduced by the promise of happiness through the accumulation of ' stuff'.

What do you really NEED in your life, as opposed to what society tells you you should need ?


A Little Light Reading

Do you know that if you want something you should always start by ' putting the word out'. Someone will always know someone who has what you need.

Rather than spend money, ask what already exists in your circle.

Using this principle I was able to gather all this reading material. I also got some from the local library. Your local library is such a brilliant resource. Check it out.

I am excited by the prospect of reading these books. I love being inspired.

Seeing the Sense/ Cents

This is my electricity meter.

Today at Towards sustainability ( see link at right) has installed a wonderful device to track electricity usage. I was very impressed when I saw it.

I had to laugh because before we went away I wrote down the numbers on the counters to see what our house used while we weren't in it. It was a miserable wet day and we conducted an experiment.

The left meter turns fast enough to see it moving really easily.

My 8 year old son and I took turns at turning on the TV, clothes dryer and computer and watching how fast the meter turned. It was unbelievable. The dryer was the biggest culprit. When we turned it on the dial spun like a record player!

 No 1 son went and got his Dad to explain electricity usage to him. Now no 1 son is in charge of turning off lights and appliances when not in use. It was such a great exercise. Test it out for yourself. It is frightening, but sticks in your psyche believe me !!

Spinning Plates

Have you ever seen those old fashioned plate spinners? I remember seeing them as a child on the TV show "Young Talent Time" ( all aussie readers will be nodding with me).

The plate spinners lined up about 10 plates on sticks and would spin them and balance them.

The idea was to keep them spinning. Often as the spinner was attempting to keep one plate from wobbling and falling off, a plate at the other end would begin to wobble.

 That is exactly how life is sometimes.

We have been working really hard at renovating the inside of our house.

 As a result the outside has been let go.

Here is an update on our new bathroom.

We have been doing it ourselves. although we have recently got a tiler in to do the tiling. We had an old bathroom with a laundry out the back. The laundry was huge and we felt that the bathroom was big enough to combine the laundry with it.

We recently bought a front loading machine as a water saving option and suddenly realised it takes up so much less space. We have now successfully integrated it into the bathroom. Here is a 'during' shot.

This is a shot after the tiler had finished - we still have to do the window and change taps, put in towel holders etc. I also want to add some plants, but it is coming along. Number 1 son is enjoying a bath to celebrate the fact that we have running water in there again!

So.... spinning plates. I guess the answer is to continually do upkeep in all areas rather than focus too heavily on one area.


My Part of the Planet

This is the view from the banks of the river near our home. Why would I live anywhere else ?

I am also pleased to announce that Rhonda from Down to Earth has nominated me for an award.

Visit this site for the origin of the award. http://climateofourfuture.org/?p=33

I will tag the following blogs as nominees:

100 Years of Simple Living

On Sunday 15th July we celebrated my Grandmother's 100th Birthday.

 This woman is amazing.

As you know, she lived on her own up until a couple of months ago when she slipped while she was raking up some leaves and broke her leg. She now lives in a nursing home.

We asked her what the secret to a long and healthy life is she said " Just don't worry".

Maybe she is right.

 I think the home grown food, no smoking, no drinking and simple, purposeful, joyful living also plays a part, but I guess if you implement her life principles of prior preparation and planning then you will have little to worry about.

As the song goes, 'don't worry, be happy'.

What is it that makes you happy ? I doubt it will be 'stuff ' 

April Theme: Re-organise and Transition

In the Southern Hemisphere, April is in Autumn.  The days here are still warmish, but there is a sneaking whisper in the wind. That whisper ...