According to MARTHA who has positioned herself as THE world wide authority on all things 'homey' we should be doing the following 6 things every day in the home.
1. Make The Bed - because tidiness begets tidiness, meaning if you make the bed you will feel like cleaning the rest of the room.
2. Manage Clutter - we are meant to grab clutter every time we walk out of a room and encourage other family members to do likewise.
3. Sort The Mail - open, read and sort as soon as we bring it inside.
4. Clean As You Cook - rinse and pop things into the dishwasher as you are cooking ( great advice for those that actually HAVE a dishwasher )
5. Wipe Up Spills While They're fresh - almost anything is easier to remove if you attend to it straight away.
6. Sweep The Kitchen Floor - every evening after you have finished cooking so that dirt and grime don't build up.
Well..... sounds easy enough when you read it in a pretty little list. How do you rate in the Martha stakes ?