My youngest son went for his first sleepover. He was so excited that he was finally old enough to be let out! He turns nine in May.
I was excited for him as well. He was acting super grown up and playing it really cool. As he marched out the front gate with barely time for a cuddle and for me to spit on a hankie and wipe his little face like the embarrassing mother that I am - he was off!!
I was........ lost..... reflective maybe ? Can't quite explain it, just a little .......... delicate perhaps.

Do you want to know something really funny (?).......
When my eldest son went to Sydney for the first time on a school excursion it was the day of the major dust storm that brought Sydney to it's knees. So, you could imagine how I felt when I packed the youngest boy off to one of our local beach suburbs and they announced the tsunami warning for that area ! LOL
Coloured paper....... red wine..... loud music........ {thank goodness for the distraction}
Love the blue bird card! Very cute!
Michelle thank you for visiting FIMBY and leaving those kind and encouraging comments. My sis-in-law makes these kind of cards also. I just love them. Such works of art.
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