
This Home Made Life

I have really enjoyed the last few days. I have been busy baking, making and gardening up a storm.

Today I came to realise how 'normal' these things are for us now.

On Friday I made a huge batch of washing powder. As I was grating up the soap I watched "Harp in The South" on my laptop. This is a beautiful Australian story about a poor family living in Surrey Hills Sydney in the 1940s. As I was grating away I felt like Olivia Walton making butter on the front porch while Grandma knitted!

Friday night is pizza night and we do it so often now that we can slap together a batch of beautiful half plain/ half wholemeal with the toppings that each person wants before you can even find the number of your local delivery boy!

On Saturday we made fettuccine that was so damn yummy I had a dream about it and could have easily made some for breakfast on Sunday! Because we have our own eggs, this fresh and tasty pasta only cost us 27 cents to feed the four of us !!!

Sunday was of course the Sunday roast and the weekly apple pie to go with it.

I also managed to plant some garlic, lettuce, onions and carrots.

Soon I will make another batch of homemade soap and this time I would like to have a go at making a liquid hand soap.

I am loving this home made life.


libby said...

A homemade life is the best isn't it? Okay, you must have guessed I was going to ask for recipes - for the fettucine (we've still yet to christen our pasta maker) and the apple pie please :-).


Cheryl said...

...and a recipie for the home made soap please :-).

Little Messy Missy said...

I love doing everything homemade. I would love your recipe for liquid hand soap, I have not found one that I like yet.

Anonymous said...

The bread I could live on. The pie next in line. Love home baked goods. Nice photos too.

Beth Niquette said...

WOW! You, dear lady are a real inspiration. We are endeavoring to do a lot more home-style cooking and living.

It is so much more healthy than the pre-made foods one gets these days.

I've been enjoying a lot of good home cooking from scratch, too.

Blesings to you! I found you on Abe Lincoln's blog. To be featured on his blog is a true honor!

Mike said...

Your blog has been recommended to us as a interviewee's favorite blog!

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Interviewer. We'd
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It would just take a few minutes of your time. The interview form can
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Best regards,

Mike Thomas

Anonymous said...

Well done! The routine sounds so lovely and the food delicious. Linda

The Messy Kitchen

 My kitchen is rarely clean and lovely like you often see on social media.  It is often clean and pretty, only to be messed up again by the ...