
Nothing To Leave The Block

I often think of the ideal of nothing leaving our block. I have written before about thinking ' what if everything we bought onto our suburban block was to stay here'. Imagine if we had to use, re-use, recycle or dispose of every little thing that came onto the block. I could go to the shop and buy what I needed - flour, sugar etc. That wold be fine because I can tear up the paper packaging and put it in the compost to break down. But when it comes to other forms of packaging I am totally lost. Where would I put the plastic wrap from the inside of a packet ? What about the bag that the oranges came in or the plastic tray in the rice cracker packet ?

If nothing was to leave the block I would have to start a little pile behind the shed, then maybe in the roof, then under the house....... how much would I use in a month... a year ??

:: I often think like this::

Of late I have even been suspicious of recycling systems. We put all our recycling into a different coloured wheelie bin and it is taken "away" wherever that may be. I have read quite a bit recently about how the price of recycled materials has dropped to the point where it is not financially viable to process the materials. Will companies still process recycled goods without a profit ? Out of the goodness of their hearts or their love of the environment ? ( that's for you to answer, but I know what my gut tells me)

So in keeping with my gut, I am still attempting to not have things leave the block, even if they are 'recycle' worthy.

The picture above is of my compost bin in the kitchen. I tear up any packaging or paper that will breakdown as well.

Living with the ideal of nothing leaving the block means you have to be really mindful when you are shopping. Believe me, this is EXTREMELY difficult. I can't ask the girl at the checkout whether waxed milk cartons breakdown in the compost and how long they take !

Yesterday one of the boys opened the last packet of water crackers that was in the cupboard and I tore up the cardboard packaging and ::gulp:: placed the plastic into the bin. Today I made a huge batch of lavash crackers to make me feel better.


Kelly said...

I think those same thoughts too, which is why I read your blog, and others, about sustainability. I'm trying to simplify my suburban life, and taking it one small step at a time.

MF's Simple Life Journey said...

It must be going around because I have been thinking of the same, lately. Perhaps, complete harvesting is the answer. lol! That would be such a goal: to live without the need for a store. Down to Earth's blog has very good sustainability tips. I think she could definitely survive if none were around.

Glad to have found your blog. :)

Anonymous said...

i gave you an award! i forgot if i had notified you so i am doing it again lol have a great day!

Anonymous said...

So many things I don't buy anymore ecause of all the packaging.

are those your crackers... they look great! is your recipe posted?

love your blog


Michelle said...

This all comes back to living more like our grandparents did. The more natural our food and lifestyle then it naturally follows that we will produce less waste.
I am fortunate to have grown up in a family that wastes nothing so it is ingrained in me. I can remember many years ago after my Nan died my Mum found shoe boxes full of pieces of string and rubber bands, she hated to throw anything away that might come in useful one day.
I have strayed from this path over the course of my life and this is a timely reminder to be more conscious of what I purchase and how it is packaged. By reminding myself when I am at the point of purchase that the packaging on this product will be with me forever will make me think twice about wether I really need this item or not.

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