
Hello September

Image Source: http://sayingimages.com/hello-september/
Hello September. I am enjoying you so much. Just when I had settled into a life of rugging up, adding layers, snuggling under blankets on the lounge, you turn up and surprise me.

You get me every year!

I get the first hint of you in the breeze. Then I notice you in the song of the birds and the sound of a distant lawn mower. Then I smell you in the blossoms and when your light hits the new green leaves on the crepe myrtle tree.

Then I remember what is to come.... the early mornings, the long summer evenings, the swimming and skiing and playing and gardening and holidays and Christmas and mangoes and watermelon and prawns and shorts and t-shirts and thongs.....

.....and I am one happy spring chicken.


Cheryl said...

Oh yeah, I'm hearing you! Bring it on :)

Leilani Schuck Weatherington said...

September for you means the coming of Spring... for us, well, we love it just as much because it heralds the lovely Fall -- wonderful time of the year; except of course then we have to look forward to winter... but after the horrific hot summer we had in the Midwestern US, I don't think I am going to complain!

Lis said...

Spring and Autumn are my favourite times of the year! I'm loving the mix ofspring weather we are having here in Adelaide.

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