
Joyful, Joyful Day......and the Chooks Arrive.

Today was one of those days. Absolutely Splendid!

We arrived home last night so the morning was filled with washing and a radio interview with ABC in Perth. I can now proudly say that A Vision Splendid is reaching coast to coast! LOL
Then I decided to make a ladder for the chook house out of whatever scraps of timber I could find. The boys helped me to cut the steps roughly to size and even straighten out the nails that we were recycling. It is quite rough, but I actually love the fact that it's a little 'wonky'. We then used a old piece of timber for the perch.

We harvested a huge lots of beans. Here they are in a colander that belonged to my Grandmother. We use it all the time. I am certain that it will last another lifetime yet. I love old things so much. You know they are going to last well, because they already have!

I cleaned out the fridge and freezer pulling out all the compartments and washed them ready for Christmas goodies and stockpiles of harvested produce.

Then we went to town and adopted our girls. All four of them. Since then the boys have spent all afternoon in the cage with the chooks helping them to adjust to life with us.

I had one of those splendid moments. Full of joy. The boys were playing with the chickens and feeding them by hand while I watched and I could smell the beautiful aroma of a banana cake almost ready in the oven. Pure Joy !

To top it all off we are now going for a swim and then we will head off to the movies to sit in air conditioned comfort. We are seeing Madagascar 2 so I hope there are a few laughs in it for me too.

What a Splendid day!


Kez said...

It doesn't get much better than that, does it?!

libby said...

Sounds like a lovely day. Your girls are very cute. They look about the same age as the new ones we got yesterday.


Anonymous said...

Heard your radio interview in Perth this morning. Will now follow your site with interest. We are determined to simplify Christmas.

Richard Goodwin
Wembley Downs WA 6019

Leilani Schuck Weatherington said...

The black chook reminds me of an Aracana. If she is, you might get some colored eggs!!

Michelle said...

Welcome home and welcome to your new chookies.
They look like lovely girls and I know they will provide much entertainment for your boys and wonderful golden eggs to boot!
I must admit I have chook envy, I would dearly love to have some girls again but am still trying to convince the man of the house.

Cele said...

The beans look top notch.
Cute hens too. Oh how I long to have hens.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas from Ireland.

han_ysic said...

Your chookies look lovely, and so do your beans. Mine up up and starting to climb, but no beans yet. I think they'll be a mid january treat.

oma aka meme said...

AND WHAT A JOYFUL BLOG - I am thinking that chooks are chickens??I am from Canada so not quite familiar with that word- you would love to know how I was raised as a farmer's daughter-- alas- no air conditioned movie theatres although there was one in the near town we went to at Christmas but no air conditioners- alas Meme is before air conditions- (smile)
hugs Meme

The Muse said...

It sounded delightful!
I hope it was grand!

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