
Just A Quick Hello

Just logging in to say a quick hello. We are on the road and I have been searching for a wireless connection to be able to log onto the site. The picture below is of my 101 year old Grandmother who we have been visitng in Dubbo, western NSW, and who I thank for starting me off on this journey. I told her all about A Vision Splendid and she said "oh, so I am famous am I ?" and laughed. Nothing surprises her!

The response to my story in the Telegraph's Sunday magazine has been amazing. If you didn't see it, the article was titled 'Dollars and Sense' and told the story of people who choose frugality as a way of life which brings with it lots riches. Thank you to all the people who have emailed me and hello to all the new readers.

While we were in Dubbo we took the boys to the zoo. For those of you that haven't been there, Western Plains Zoo is very different to your concrete and cages type zoo. The animals are in huge open areas with a small but deep river or moat separating you from them. You can drive, walk or ride the 6km circuit. As you look around, you can't see the moat and it looks as though you are just walking through the plains. The wetlands bring hundreds of wild birds to the area which shows that the habitat is in balance.

It was a wonderful learning opportunity for the boys. The talks from the rangers was excellent. There was a very interesting talk about how the number of hippos have dropped 98% over the last twenty years because of the sale of their meat on the black market. The hippo dung kept the fish population alive, so the drop in hippos has also meant the drop in fish which results in the loss of the local fishing industry and the villagers' food supplies. It really struck me that mother nature has a way of keeping everything in balance, in a life cycle that is so well contructed yet held together with spider webs. One thing changes and the web falls apart. As usual it is the humans that have disrupted the web. We are such a distructive breed wouldn't you agree?


My favourite animal was this little meerkat and with his lovely little face I will sign off until I am back in the land of a decent internet connection.
Stay Tuned..............


Kez said...

Your grandmother sounds marvellous! I love Western Plains Zoo - it's been decades since I've been there though - we have plans to take Billy one day soon. I love meerkats too :)

Enjoy your trip!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I found you in the Telegraph :) I have my own blog too. I like Op Shops and revamping old things into new. I'm also an aspiring photographer. Come say hi.

Leilani Schuck Weatherington said...

I wish I could give your gramma a big hug. How precious. Love the meerkat picture. The LA Zoo has a pair in an exhibit; I know they live in large colonies in the wild and so these two seemed rather sad and bored compared with documentaries I have seen of them on the TV

Joolz said...

What a lovely picture of your dear Grandmother. And what a beautiful day. Isn't it nice when things just go right? Bliss!

Have a lovely Christmas and I look forward to reading your blog after the holiday break.

Cheers - Joolz

Anonymous said...

Oh how blessed you are to still have your grandma with you... i would love to spend more time with my nan and more importantly for my gorgeous 4 kiddies to meet such an amazing woman.... Aren't they just the best... Grandmothers Rock.

The Muse said...

GLORIOUS shots! And hats off to Grandma!

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