
The Chook House

The chook house is coming along nicely. Hubby has been hammering away. I just have to paint it and build a little ladder. The back has a fold down door for easy access to the nesting boxes. There is a good size run for them to get out and stretch their eggs.

There is just one thing missing. Chooks! I can't get them yet because we have a couple of trips planned and I want to be around to settle them in, so I just have to wait patiently. In the meantime I can always pretend with the stuffed toy! LOL

Having chooks lay our own eggs will be another step forward in our quest for a more simple life. Hubbie is delighted by the fact that he will be able to make a breakfast omlette with homegrown eggs and home grown tomatoes.

In days gone by quite a lot of people had a couple of chooks in their back yard. It seemed to be a common sight, alongside the vegie patch and the water tank. As a child I can remember my Nanna making the best sponge cakes with fresh eggs in her wood burning stove. She had it perfected!
Friends of ours have recently got their own chooks and they have been giving us fresh eggs. They are so different to shop bought eggs. They are firm and the yolks are so yellow! When I buy shop bought eggs I forget how soft the shells are almost smash them to pieces against the side of the bowl when I am cooking. The fresh eggs seem to have much stronger shells.

So... I will wait patiently. In my wait I sit and think.... does Santa bring live presents? How many 'food miles' from the North Pole to my place?



Unknown said...

Nice Chook House BW. A big congrats to you and the bloke.

The eggs are great, but the laughs you get from watching the chooks is even more valuable than the eggs!


Ladybird World Mother said...

OH, ENJOY! You will just love those chooks. I have some and I simply adore them... the eggs and the simple act of feeding them each day. Cant wait to hear that they have arrived. Keep us posted!

Tania said...

The chook house has turned out great. Love the cute chookie, a bit over fed I think. Our next lot of chooks are going to be day old chickens, a good experience rearing them with children.

I love reading your blog and look forward to your future posts.

There is an award over at my blog for you to collect.


Susan said...

Your chook house looks great!
You'll love having cvhooks! I cant imagine not having ours and we've only had them a year! The eggs are just the best! Plus they are amusing to watch!

libby said...

You will love your girls. They are such fun creatures and the eggs are wonderful. My poor girls are soon to be on a friends dinner plate. We are getting about one egg a day now (from 6 chooks). We will be getting some more and it will be great to be able to share eggs with our friends and family again. I just have to not think too much about the current girls. At least I know they had a good life and will have a swift (and useful) death. It's been hard for me (the vegetarian) to accept this end but I don't want to have to go back to buying eggs from chooks whose living arrangement I don't know. If we had the space we'd definitely be keeping them in their retirement.


Petit (Australia) said...

Hi Michelle, just wanted to say congrats on a great article in the "Sunday" today (14/12/08).

Anonymous said...

I'm sure your chooks will be very happy when they get to their new home. I have 4 chooks now and remember being very impatient for months before their arrival. I just wanted some chooks so badly and had waitied for years to get the go ahead to buy some.

Leilani Schuck Weatherington said...

Here in the US these are CHICKENS!!! You have so many wonderful choices of which type to get -- mostly egg birds, which are small and excitable, or larger multipurpose; if you get a rooster you'll be able to have little ones. You're going to love them. I miss mine a lot.

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