
Vintage Kitchen

These kitchen items are from my Grandmothers kitchen - dirty because I am in the middle of using them !

 I LOVE the old things that she used.

They are far more sturdier than what I can buy today and the fact that they are still in existence after up to 80 years shows that they are well made.

The spoon that I use to cook with is completely worn down on one side from my Great Grandmother and my Grandmother using it.

When I cook with it I always think of these women doing it so hard, yet not knowing any different. It makes me want to work that little bit harder.


Anonymous said...

wow! they are certainly well made :) I bought a new wooden spoon a couple of weeks ago and it broke the first time I used it :/

Polly said...

How nice to have those things from your grandmother's kitchenAli. The things I'd love to have from my grandmother's are her bread knife and bread board but they are long gone.

Polly said...

Whoops, not Ali. Sorry

Anonymous said...

I love old cooking implements too. I love that sense of being part of a lineage of women who all performed similar tasks.

Lis said...

I can remember similar items in my aunty's kitchen. I think my mum may still even have beaters like those ones. I might have to check :) Being a scrapbooker makes me loves remembering my families history. Thanks for the reminder.

gentlebreeze said...

i agree. Old things ARE sturdier. I notice that when I buy something of that nature at a thrift store and it lasts FOREVER even though it was bought used. everything is made so disposable nowadays.
I really enjoy the conversations with your grandma that you blog about. Did she evr talk about relationships with ones children and husband? I'd love to read it!

Kez said...

I've just nominated you for the Frugal Subversive Award :) http://kezs-blog.blogspot.com/2007/08/frugal-subversive-award.html

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