
Food (glorious) Food ???

 As you know, we too have been to a Sue Dengate seminar and that is the basis for my non-preservative approach to things.

When I first read Sue's book and checked out her website it really struck me. I explained to hubby  that all we had to do was eat like it was the 1950's. I shop with her little wallet reminder of which additives to avoid and when you do, you end up cooking things from scratch and the few packaged things you have in your trolley are the products that have been around for some time and have remained unchanged.

If you have young children I really suggest you download her material from the website and have a look. I have two boys aged 6 and 8 and I would certainly not class them as naughty or hyperactive in any way.
 I just know how different they are when they have an accumulation of junk food. Son no. 1 is very placid and gets dark under the eyes and lethargic and sad when he has overdosed and son no. 2 gets really emotional - crying, angry and ends up wetting the bed when he has overdosed. When they eat the pure way ( only avoiding numbers not salicilaytes and amines) they are calm, even tempered boys.

Tonight on ABC Radio National I was listening to a broadcast about imported food.

 The USA and Japan have recently formed committees to investigate the safety of imported food. Recently Chinese seafood, toothpaste and toy trains ( of all things) have been deemed toxic by US standards. I find it really interesting to look at Seafood in the supermarkets since the legislative changes now mean that the country of origin must be displayed.

 What better reason to eat locally !!!

Hubby was talking to a fisherman today from a fishing town near our home and he said they are now feeling the pinch because of the imported seafood. Do you know that it is OUR fault ?

We always want things cheaper. What price are we willing to pay to save a few cents ? Are we willing to put our local businesses out of work so we can save a few cents ?

 Are we willing to ingest unknown toxins to save money.

 I challenge you to THINK before you BUY.

Read the label. What list of additives is in your food and where is it from ?


Kez said...

ITA about Sue Dengate. We're "nasty-free" as much as possible in our daily life - I just posted on my blog that we'd been to a McDonald's party tonight and would be scraping B off the ceiling for the next few days...

Lis said...

Thanks to Sue Dengate my son is an average child...when he is not failsafe (we don't avoid amines or sacilates, just numbers like yourself) I too could peel him off the ceiling. He also gets very moody and emotional. I actually enjoy cooking just like my mum did. Now I am slowly teaching my children to cook their favourite foods!

Ames said...

I havn't heard of Sue Dengate, however I recently went to a seminar by Sally Fallon from the Weston Price Foundation who also promote healthy eating free of preservatives, and cooking the way we did before the introduction of refined foods like sugar and white flour. She has also written an number of books, but I especially like 'Nourishing Traditions' which is actually a recipe book for traditional cooking but it also has a lot of valuable information in the front. One of those books you can't read and not do something about your eating habits.

Since eating this way, traditionally with not additives my 3 year olds severe eczma has virtually cleared up, and we have not been sick as much as we were before, and as you have all observed, my boys are much better behaved and happy.

Wish I could spread the word!

Minni Mum said...

I wish I had come across Sue Dengate when I had my first child, not my second! It was only when I had #2 with borderline ADHD that I found the failsafe diet - and discovered like you, that DD#1 is also affected, but she becomes moody and lethargic, and has difficulty in concentrating. How many other "quiet" children are similarly affected?? And are possibly diagnosed with a learning disorder? I shudder to think...

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