This is the first time that I have grown onions. I always had it in the back of my mind that onions take too long and they take up too much space. But..... the time was going to pass anyway and I don't believe they took a lot of space. They are now ready to be pulled out, tied and hung up until we need them. I will be planting more for sure!
Everything else is plodding along nicely. This silverbeet is going much better since a relocation into a much wetter area.

Rows of beans are powering now that the weather is warming. So too is the sweet corn. This year we are really trying to get our succession planting worked out. We always struggle with feast or famine when it comes to our garden so this year we are determined to try and stagger the plantings and have an ongoing supply of produce.

Tucked away there is the shadow is a little pumpkin that wasn't there yesterday. They say magic doesn't exist, but how was there nothing yesterday and today there is a pumpkin ? That is a miracle in my books!
Rows of beans are powering now that the weather is warming. So too is the sweet corn. This year we are really trying to get our succession planting worked out. We always struggle with feast or famine when it comes to our garden so this year we are determined to try and stagger the plantings and have an ongoing supply of produce.
There are also some exciting chook house renovations happening to prepare the girls for a luxurious summer in their new penthouse. Stay tuned for further updates.
A question for you.... how do you plan and/or organise your succession planting so that there are no gaps in your backyard production ? I have been really encouraged by the show River Cottage and borrowed the DVD from the town library. I like the way Hugh has his seedlings starting again as soon as the last lot go into the ground. He has a great system worked out.
Do you have any fabulous system for what to plant when ? I'd love to know what you do.
My onions look about the same. I'm trying to work out how to hang and where to store them. I'm very happy with my crop. As for succession planting, I try, sometimes I succeed other times I don't. Still trying to crack a system.
I have put onions in this year too also my 1st try at growing them..excited to see how they go..
Hi Michelle,
You're garden is coming along great. No idea on the succession planting as I'm pretty bad at that as well. I do "aim" to plant some more seeds every month but I don't seem to get around to it :-(. We've got a little green house but so far have had NO luck with growing our own seedlings. Isn't it exciting when you spot something new in the garden?
HI ! Thank you so much for commenting on my blog ! I'm loving the look of your blog. I've subscribed and will be back ! I do need to make a list, like you said, of regular meals. Our only problem is that we looooooove to try new things. There are weeks where we try a new thing every night. But ... I'm scaling back on that. I'm only going to try something new once (or maybe twice) a week now. And then we'll choose the rest of our meals from the list of regulars. How much land do you grow your veggies on ? Or will I see that sort of stuff as I look more through your blog ? :) We are working on the succession planting as well ... we're actually making ourselves a little planning calendar. I'll probably post it on my blog when we finish it ...
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