
Garden Update

There hasn't been much to report in the garden since Christmas. We battled with extreme temperatures and then a long period of daily heavy rain and floods.

With the addition of some extra soil and lots of compost things have bounced back to life again. We have capsicum,cucumbers, beetroot, beans, tomatoes, basil, coriander, shallots, radishes, corn, broccoli, spinach, strawberries and butternut pumpkins.

Our most successful crop of tomatoes are doing well - in an old recycling tub.

We have had to fence off the area with a makeshift fence to keep the chickens out. While they are pretty good with established plants, they do like to scratch around the new seedlings. We are not complaining about them too much however, because they are making a valued contribution to our local eating campaign!

The area up the back has affectionately been christened ...'the farm'. Just goes to show that even very very small scale farms can produce a lot of food for a family. The good thing is that there is a lot more room to add more and more plants for the autumn season.


A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Lovely lot of eggs you have there...

xo.sorcha.ox said...

Ooh, your garden looks fantastic! Mine is a complete shambles at the moment as we are replacing thirsty non-natives with drought-resistent natives. It's a bit patchy! And soon I will be planting my first ever vegie garden - wish me luck! I will surely need it. :)

Joanne said...

You have a lovely looking garden! It is farm-like with the fence partitioning it into little 'paddocks'.

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