
Strawberry Picking

Yesterday the boys and I went with some friends to Ricardos strawberry and tomato farm near Port Macquarie, about 45 mins from home. We got to pick as many strawberries as we liked and then just paid for them by the kilo.

They gave us all buckets and a pair of scissors to neatly cut them off the plants.

The plants were growing in a polypipe frame about seven feet tall and were very healthy looking.

We finished off the day by going to a nearby park where the kids had a swim in a sheltered area just back from where the river meets the ocean. A lovely relaxing day for all....... now...what to do with a huge load of strawberries.........minus the 50 or 60 we ate last night!


A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

What a delightful way to spend a day!
You need to check out down to earths blog post today,It is all about making strawberry jam!
I reckon whipped cream and strawberries could take care of a mOther load here in our household.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely day! You have motivated me to look for a local strawberry farm. Cheers, Tricia

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