
Welcome New Readers

Wow , there has been lots of new readers lately! If you’re new to this site I would like to say a huge welcome. You can subscribe using the RSS button on the left so you can get notification every time the site is updated. If you are a returning reader I am very humbled that you return. Thank you! Sincerely!

Let me introduce myself..... My name is Michelle (BusyWoman). I am a solicitor who left her job in June 2008 to come home to see if I could live a more simple, frugal life, applying the old fashioned principles that my 101 year old grandmother has taught me. I have no idea whether I can do it or not. I just take steps forward each day. I know that life goes in seasons and who knows what direction I will take next!

I write about themes such as trying to simplify my family life, growing my own food, finding joy in the every day, frugal living, and applying old fashioned wisdom to our modern lives. Let me add that I am a ‘back slider’ – meaning I am constantly on then off the wagon! That is why I like to write a blog – it’s a visual reminder of where I have come from and where I am going. Almost like two steps forward one step back.

Although I am a stay at home mum, I am not an advocate for stay at home mothers, I am an advocate for having choices. I live in a household where I went back to work and my husband was the stay at home Dad for quite a few years.

I am happily married, but I do not prescribe to an existence that requires mum, dad and 2.2 kids in order to be ‘just right’. There are many blogs that portray a perfect life. Let me tell you, I am not one of them! Perhaps I should post a photo of the way my son’s bedrooms look at present to confirm this! LOL

I write about steps that I have taken to simplify MY life in line with old fashioned principles. I would love to hear about YOUR efforts at finding simplicity and joy in your life circumstances. My children are not teenagers so I can’t write about the difficulties of living simply with kids that age – maybe you can. I am not a single mother or father for that matter so I cannot write from that perspective, but I am sure there are readers who are. What about running a household where the breadwinner has recently been retrenched ? Or trying to ‘live green’ when you still live at home with parents who don’t support your passion?

If you are interested in simple, joyful living, why not share how you move towards that in YOUR circumstances. I value diversity. We can all learn so much from each other. I encourage you to ‘come out’ and post a comment or if you don’t have a blogger/google account, send me an email and I will publish it for you. I would love to hear from you.

In the next few months I will be looking for some guest bloggers. I will be looking for contributions on themes that are in alignment with the values of my site, but I want to bring in a ‘truth in blogging’ element. I want to know how we deal with these themes in real life. If you are interested in that please email me with your thoughts. The address is over on the left hand side.

Once again, welcome to all the new readers.


Susan said...

I used to read your blog ages ago when I used to blog. I recently retunred to blogging and have found you again :)

I keep a blog (actually I keep a few!) whilst mine is titled 'simply living' it wasn't all about being the perfect simple houswife' not that there is anything against that if its what people aim for!

I am a working mum, working mostly from home (currently struggling to work due to a recent injury) I have nearly all school aged children. For me my blog is about my life, the choices and changes i try to make. I am far form perect but I like to try to be environmentally aware, live a 'greener' existence but again I am not perfect.

I like gardening and I like cooking. I wish I could sew... I can knit... odd shapes of objects that dont become anything other than dishclothes! but I would love to learn to knit 'something' one day.

I like to read and I to think, to challenge myself. I love reading everyones blogs about what hey are up to in life and I love when I do try to slow down and appreciate and enjoy life more.

Thats really what my bloging and I am about :)

greenfumb said...

Your sons bedrooms can't possible be worse than my teenager daughter's, it's frightening and I have given up entering it under any circumstances. I would rather spend time in my garden than nagging at her to change - she wont anyway.

Yogihan said...

Hi Michelle! Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad that you liked my linen cupboard.
I am truely not a "born organised" or tidy person... yet I am drawn to the idea of being a good 'housewife'. Currently I work full time, but if we could afford it and once we have children I would choose to be a housewife. It's not that I don't enjoy work, but more that I feel our home is the place around which everything evolves and I'd love to take the time to take care of it and us.

I blog about home keeping because I took an interest in it after I realised I knew nothing about it and I found it hard to keep on top of it all. I wanted to learn how it was possible to have a clean comfortable home without being obsessive compulsive about cleaning. I also refused to let cleaning the house simply be about buying lots of chemical filled sprays with empty promises of a cleaner house. I enjoyed reading your post!

Great blog! I will definitely be back.

Karen said...

You are already on my igoogle! I only recently started my blog mainly to help me keep track of my vegie gardening adventures - I am very new at it!

April Theme: Re-organise and Transition

In the Southern Hemisphere, April is in Autumn.  The days here are still warmish, but there is a sneaking whisper in the wind. That whisper ...