This is my Grandmother who turned 101 on the 15th July. She still walks around, has a wonderful memory and she certainly has " all her marbles". She lived in her own home up until 6 weeks before her 100th birthday.
When the local Newspaper were interviewing her they asked her what the secret of a long life is.
She said it was 'keeping busy'. I guess that is true. I have never known Nanna to procrastinate over anything. She was always prepared for anything. Her freezer was always stocked with freshly blanched vegetables and she had frozen meals she had made bursting out of the huge chest freezer she had. We always joked that if the Apocalypse came, it would be okay, because Nanna's freezer could feed all the survivors! LOL
When asked if she made a wish on her birthday she said she didn't need to make a wish because she had everything she wants and needs. She enjoys living in the nursing home because she doesn't have to do her own washing, cleaning and ironing. She views it as a luxury.
When asked about society today, she said the children are little brats. Her thoughts are that children should be put to work early for their parents so that they learn to do the right thing.
She was asked if she had ever used a computer, and told the journalist that although she had used my lap top, the only mouse she has ever known is the one you set a trap for !
So.... 'keeping busy' is the key to a long and lovely life ? What was she busy with ? In the earlier days it was milking, baking, cooking meals, washing, cleaning, gardening, ironing, farming, knitting, sewing. Then, when she moved to town it was ......... baking, cooking meals, gardening, washing, cleaning, knitting, sewing....... hmmmmmm I guess she was just too busy to grow old.
So, what can I learn from this ? Am I doing my best in the areas listed above? Am I seduced by the advertising devil that tells me to slacken off, rest because I 'deserve it', buy because I 'deserve' it and think about myself because, after all, I am the most important person in the world! No.......... I think I will adopt the more humble life. I will work hard for the joy and peace that comes in knowing that I am 'ahead' and prepared for the days to come.
Proverbs 31:21
When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
How wonderful!
We really are spoilt in this generation, aren't we?
Thank you for sharing a picture of your grandmother. I wish I lived close so I could visit and she could tell me stories of her life. I do that at the nursing home here as my mother is in one. She looks wonderful and content.
You are so lucky to still have your Nanna in your life, it is a rare priviledge.
Now that I am a Nanna I hope I can pass on the simple ways to my little grandson when he is old enough to understand.
A very big Happy Birthday to your special Nanna.
What a wonderful woman... and a beautiful post! A great reminder for all of us!
Wow, your Grandmother looks great at 101 years old...what an inspiration. I think I best get busy now with my 1001 jobs that need doing!!
Your Grandmother is a wise woman, you are very blessed to have her in your life!
thats wonderful. you are verry lucky
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