I had a lovely birthday on Friday. I turned 35.
Hubby sent flowers to my office. I nearly cried because I would NEVER have expected that.
He also gave me the book 'Choosing Eden' by Adrienne Langman which, if you've had a chance to listen to the podcast from the ABC in my previous post, is about the couple that left Sydney and moved to the country to prepare themselves and their children for the price hike and lifestyle changes that may be associated with the peak oil dilemma. I finished reading it this morning and found it to be an easy ready and very motivating.
The second item in the picture is the DVD of the series that recently aired on the ABC called "Not All Tea and Scones". It is a series about the CWA ( Country Women's Association) in Australia. On the surface it is about women cooking and entering cake baking competitions and serving scones at the Royal Easter Show in Sydney each year.
The true message, I believe, is about the strength of country women in being the glue that binds families and communities especially in times of drought and economic hardship. It has many recipes featured throughout it and I will let you all know how they go.
The true message, I believe, is about the strength of country women in being the glue that binds families and communities especially in times of drought and economic hardship. It has many recipes featured throughout it and I will let you all know how they go.
The flowers pictured are from my girlfriend. She was out of town for Friday and couldn't join me for dinner that night. When they arrived at my office I sent her a text message that said " they are beautiful and so are you" and she replied " your friendship's worth every petal". ( sigh! )
In the evening I went out for dinner with some friends. These are my " air pot" friends so it was a very rare occurrence to go to a restaurant. We had a great night. N friend even made a home baked white mud cake and I nearly died when the waitress came out singing.
I am so lucky to have such great friends. They are indeed a very precious resource.
Thank you for all the emails I have been receiving. I will do my best to answer as many as I can over the next few days.
Glad you had a great birthday!
Happy belated birthday, sounds like you had a wonderful, special day.
A belated Happy Birthday! I'm glad you had a lovely day :)
Sounds like you had a good time.
Hope the week is a good one for you
Happy belated birthday! What a lovely day - thoughtful presents and great company - doesn't get any better than that :-)
They you everyone - I should have mentioned the great blogging friends I have made !
Very Happy Belated Birthday!
Sounds like you had a wonderful time and I love the sound of the book and DVD. Must check them out.
There is nothing like friendship.
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